How to use ? 如何使用 ?

The goal of Bot Finance is simple, display your finance data in a easy way, you can type help in chat to get more information.
Bot Finance的目標很簡單,用簡易的方式顯示你的金融資料,你可以在聊天中輸入 help 取得更多資訊。

As you see, here only have 3 main commands, show, add, del, if you want to know Google's stock price on NASDAQ, you can type show NASDAQ:GOOGL,Bot Finance will response the information to you.
如你所見,只有三個主要的指令,show、add、del,如果你想要知道 Google 在 NASDAQ 的股價,你可以輸入show NASDAQ:GOOGL,Bot Finance會將資訊回覆給你。

You can add multi finance object to your list and show in once, for example, if you want to know HSBC Holdings plc from Hong Kong stock, Tesla from NASDAQ, and currency about USD / EUR rate, you can add them and just type show to get all information at once.
你可以加入(add)多個金融標的到你的清單內並一次顯示,舉例來說,如果你想知道在港股的滙豐控股、美股的特斯拉、還有美金對歐元的匯率,你可以將它們加入後,使用show 指令一次顯示。

And also, you can del to remove finance object from your list, modify the list to what you need.

Hope Bot Finance can help you save times to check those finance data, BTW Bot Finance won't save your personal data or chat log, and only save finance object when you add them to list.
希望Bot Finance可以幫助你節省確認金融資訊的時間,順帶一提,Bot Finance不會儲存你的個人資料或是聊天紀錄,只有在你將金融標的加入清單時才會做儲存的動作。

More help document coming soon.



How to find finance object ? 如何找到金融標的 ?

Hello Bot Finance